No dia 17 de julho de 2010 o presidente do Rotaract Ipiranga e seus companheiros do Intercambio Grupo de Estudo Los Angeles/Sao Paulo, Fabio Borges Soares Junior e Ricardo Camargo, juntamente com a ilustre presenca da Mica Pearl C. Madgdame intercambista da Filipinas realizaram uma palestra sobre os projetos do Rotary International. O evento ocorreu no Rotaract Sao Bernardo do Campo sobre gestao da companheira Cintia e o mesmo serviu de motivacao para os jovens da comunidade local e demais Rotaractianos. Acesse: (
In 17th of July, 2010 the President of the Rotaract Ipiranga and his companions from the Group Study Exchange Los Angeles / Sao Paullo, Fabio Borges Soares Junior and Ricardo Camargo, along with the distinguished presence of Mica Pearl C. Madgdame exchange student from Philippines made a presentation about the projects of Rotary International. The event took place at the Rotaract Sao Bernardo do Campo on managing partner of the president Cintia and even served as a motivation for the youth of the local community and other Rotaractors. Access: (
In 17th of July, 2010 the President of the Rotaract Ipiranga and his companions from the Group Study Exchange Los Angeles / Sao Paullo, Fabio Borges Soares Junior and Ricardo Camargo, along with the distinguished presence of Mica Pearl C. Madgdame exchange student from Philippines made a presentation about the projects of Rotary International. The event took place at the Rotaract Sao Bernardo do Campo on managing partner of the president Cintia and even served as a motivation for the youth of the local community and other Rotaractors. Access: (