O ROTARACT IPIRANGA agradece o apoio da companheira Asanuma - membro do Rotary Ipiranga (http://www.rotaryclubipiranga.com.br/) pela doacao completa de literatura brasileira.
O Rotaract Ipiranga informa que os livros serao entregues ao Projeto "Biblioteca Movel" do VER - Voluntariado Emilio Ribas (http://www.versocial.org.br/), mesmo projeto que recebeu do Rotaract Ipiranga 200 revistas Super Interessante pelo projeto "SOPA DE LETRAS".
Abracos Rotaractianos a companheira Asanuma.
The Rotaract Ipiranga appreciates the support from fellow Asanuma - member of Rotary Ipiranga (http://www.rotaryclubipiranga.com.br/) by the donation of a full brazilian literature.
The Rotaract Ipiranga reports that these books will be delivered to the Mobile Library Project of the Emilio Ribas Hospital, better known as VER - Voluntary Emilio Ribas (http://www.versocial.org.br/), even project that received from Rotaract Ipiranga 200 Super Interessante magazines through our project "ALPHABET SOUP".
Rotaractors Regards to our fellow Asanuma.
O Rotaract Ipiranga informa que os livros serao entregues ao Projeto "Biblioteca Movel" do VER - Voluntariado Emilio Ribas (http://www.versocial.org.br/), mesmo projeto que recebeu do Rotaract Ipiranga 200 revistas Super Interessante pelo projeto "SOPA DE LETRAS".
Abracos Rotaractianos a companheira Asanuma.
The Rotaract Ipiranga appreciates the support from fellow Asanuma - member of Rotary Ipiranga (http://www.rotaryclubipiranga.com.br/) by the donation of a full brazilian literature.
The Rotaract Ipiranga reports that these books will be delivered to the Mobile Library Project of the Emilio Ribas Hospital, better known as VER - Voluntary Emilio Ribas (http://www.versocial.org.br/), even project that received from Rotaract Ipiranga 200 Super Interessante magazines through our project "ALPHABET SOUP".
Rotaractors Regards to our fellow Asanuma.