O ROTARACT IPIRANGA informa que em 04 de novembro 2010 estara ocorrendo o Leilao de Artes no MuBe - Museu Brasileiro da Escultura com apoio da Galeria Lourdina Jean Rabieh, quem conseguiu 93 obras de artistas conhecidos e respeitados. No evento tambem sera possivel adquirir outros 12 itens entre viagens, camisas autografadas de famosos e outros mais. Conforme Mark Abrams - Diretor Financeiro da Vida Jovem " ... este evento é muito importante para o orçamento da Vida Jovem, por favor, não limitem os esforços em convidar amigos e familiares. No evento teremos uma mesa com informações sobre a Vida Jovem e diversificadas formas de ajudar nossa obra e os jovens assistidos ... ". O Rotaract Ipiranga acredita nos projetos da Vida Jovem (http://www.vidajovem.org/) e convida nossos amigos Rotaractianos e nao Rotaractianos para este lindo evento.
The ROTARACT IPIRANGA reports that on Thursday, November 4th, 2010 there will be occurring in the MuBE - Museu Brasileiro da Escultura (Brazilian Museum of Sculpture) with support from Jean Lourdin Rabieh Gallery, who got 93 works by artists known and respected. In the event it will also be able to acqurire other 12 items as trips, t-shirts autographed by famous and more. According to Mark Abrams - Chief Financial Officer of Vida Jovem (Boys Hope Girls Hope - USA) "... this event is very important to the budget of Vida Jovem, please, do not limit your all efforts to invite friends and family. In the event we will have a table with information about Vida Jovem and diversified forms of work that can be done in order to help our young people attended ... ". The Rotaract Ipiranga believe in the projects of Vida Jovem (http://www.vidajovem.org/) and invites Rotaractors, our friends for this beautiful event.
The ROTARACT IPIRANGA reports that on Thursday, November 4th, 2010 there will be occurring in the MuBE - Museu Brasileiro da Escultura (Brazilian Museum of Sculpture) with support from Jean Lourdin Rabieh Gallery, who got 93 works by artists known and respected. In the event it will also be able to acqurire other 12 items as trips, t-shirts autographed by famous and more. According to Mark Abrams - Chief Financial Officer of Vida Jovem (Boys Hope Girls Hope - USA) "... this event is very important to the budget of Vida Jovem, please, do not limit your all efforts to invite friends and family. In the event we will have a table with information about Vida Jovem and diversified forms of work that can be done in order to help our young people attended ... ". The Rotaract Ipiranga believe in the projects of Vida Jovem (http://www.vidajovem.org/) and invites Rotaractors, our friends for this beautiful event.