quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010

ROTARACT IPIRANGA fortalece companheirismo

Durante o "I Churras da Amizade: Vida Jovem construa uma quadra" estiveram presentes a vice-presidente Tae Nakashima e Principal Incentivadora Magrid Hirsch do Projeto Karatekinha/ACEPPA (http://www.karate.esp.br/knd.htm) . O evento serviu para as instituicoes discutirem assuntos de intercambio para grupo de adolescentes atraves dos projetos do Rotary International. O presidente do Rotaract Ipiranga apresenta aos companheiros as informacoes basicas sobre o projeto e os orienta a entrar em contato com os lideres do projeto atraves do webpage (http://www.yep4420.org/inicial/default.asp).
During "First Barbecue of Friendship: Vida Jovem to build a court" there were present the vice president Tae Nakashima and also the principal driver Magrid Hirsch from the Project Karatekinha / ACEPPA (http://www.karate.esp.br/knd.htm). The event served to discuss matters of the Rotary Youth Exchange as one of the Rotary International's projects. The President of the Rotaract Ipiranga presents the basic information to their partners about the project and guides them to have a contact with the leaders of the project through the webpage (http://www.yep4420.org/inicial/default.asp).

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