Nas datas de 11 a 13 de junho de 2010 ocorreu a Conferencia Distrital de Rotaract Clubs do Distrito 4420 no Hotel Magic City em Suzano, Sao Paulo. O RDR Fernando Alves Almeida Manes gestao 2009/10 entrega aos amigos o premio: Legendarios do futuro: Rotary e Rotaract Clubs parceiros no servir. Os socios do Rotaract Ipiranga recebem seu premio e sao homenageados durante a posse que ocorreu em 12 de julho em conjunto com o Rotary Ipiranga. No evento estiveram presentes seus amigos (Felipe Yamadera e Gustavo) do Rotaract Aeroporto, (Alexandra) do Rotaract Anchieta e (Duda) do Rotaract Forte Itaipu. O Rotaract Ipiranga agradece aos companheiros de outros rotaract clubes a imensa forca em ajudar o clube em seu inicio de reativacao e um especial agradecimento ao RDR Manes.
In June, from 11th to 13th, 2010 there was a District Rotaract Clubs Conference, District 4420 at the Magic City Hotel in Suzano, Sao Paulo. The RDR Fernando Alves Almeida Manes management 2009/10 delivery to friends the prize: legendary future: Rotaract Clubs and Rotary partners in service. The partners Rotaract Ipiranga receive their prize and were honored during the party for the new management of 2010/11 that occurred on July 12 in conjunction with the Rotary Ipiranga. The event was attended by his friends (Felipe Yamadera and Gustavo) from Rotaract Aeroporto, (Alexandra) from Rotaract Anchieta and (Duda) from Rotaract Forte Itaipu. The Rotaract Ipiranga thanks to fellows of others Rotaract clubs for the immense strength to help the club in its early reactivation and a special thanks to the RDR Manes.
In June, from 11th to 13th, 2010 there was a District Rotaract Clubs Conference, District 4420 at the Magic City Hotel in Suzano, Sao Paulo. The RDR Fernando Alves Almeida Manes management 2009/10 delivery to friends the prize: legendary future: Rotaract Clubs and Rotary partners in service. The partners Rotaract Ipiranga receive their prize and were honored during the party for the new management of 2010/11 that occurred on July 12 in conjunction with the Rotary Ipiranga. The event was attended by his friends (Felipe Yamadera and Gustavo) from Rotaract Aeroporto, (Alexandra) from Rotaract Anchieta and (Duda) from Rotaract Forte Itaipu. The Rotaract Ipiranga thanks to fellows of others Rotaract clubs for the immense strength to help the club in its early reactivation and a special thanks to the RDR Manes.
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