O ROTARACT IPIRANGA agradece novamente o apoio das companheiras Karine e Isabel - proprietarias da Nutri Naturally. Alem de ja terem contribuido com 200 revistas ao projeto "SOPA DE LETRAS", no qual o Rotaract Ipiranga teve a felicidade de entregar ao Hospital Emilio Ribas atraves do projeto VER - Voluntariado Emilio Ribas (http://www.versocial.org.br/). Desta vez as amigas, em nome do Nutri Naturally, entregaram o video-game PlayStation 01. Este sera entregue as criancas carentes. Segundo a Presidente Fundadora Isabel - Nutri Naturally "... a ideia e permitir que as criancas tenham momentos de lazer e ficamos felizes em permitir que cada crianca esqueca os problemas que as levaram a ficar longe de seus familiares...". O Rotaract Ipiranga fica contente pelo apoio e confianca de nossos projetos e ainda agradece com um forte abraco Rotaractiano.
The ROTARACT IPIRANGA once again thanks the support from partners Isabel and Karine - owners of Nutri Naturally. Besides having already contributed to the project "ALPHABETIC SOUP" with 200 magazines in which the Rotaract Ipiranga was fortunate enough to deliver it all to the Emilio Ribas Hospital through VER - Volunteering Emilio Ribas' project (
http://www.versocial.org.br/). At this time Isabel and Karine, on behalf of Nutri Naturally, delivered the PlayStation video game 01. This will be delivered to needy children. According to the Founding President Elizabeth - Nutri Naturally
"... the idea is to let kids to have enjoyable free time and we are happy to allow each child to forget the problems that led them into the orphanage and also to stay away from their family ...". The Rotaract Ipiranga is pleased by the support and confidence on our projects and also thanks with a bear Rotaractor hug.