No dia 01 de outubro de 2010 socios do Rotaract Ipiranga e presidente do Rotary Ipiranga - Mario Rodrigues realizam uma linda palestra com apoio do RDR Duda 4420, Vice RDR Felipe 4420 ambos gestao 2010/11, alem de contar com a experiencia e apoio do companheiro RDR Fernando Manes gestao 2009/10. O evento foi um sucesso porque conquistou o interesse dos convidados que estiveram presentes na Coats Correntes, houve troca de informacoes, experiencias e muitas perguntas importantes. Estiveram presentes aproximadamente 30 pessoas entre palestrantes e ouvintes. O Rotaract Ipiranga agradece a instituicao Coast Correntes pela oportunidade em usar suas instalacoes, aos colegas colaboradores da instituicao que estiveram presentes, aos companheiros do Rotaract Forte Itaipu e Rotaract Aeroporto. Segundo o presidente do Rotaract Ipiranga William Silva dos Santos - gestao 2010/11 " ... a intencao da palestra e levar a comunidade a transparencia de nossos projetos pela comunidade e demonstrar o quanto o clube esta com as portas abertas para novos construtores do futuro ... ". O Rotaract Ipiranga envia um sincero abraco Rotaractiano a todos os envolvidos no evento.
On 01st of october 2010, members from Rotaract Ipiranga and President of Rotary Ipiranga – Mario Rodrigues held a lovely presentation with support from Duda 4420, Vice-RDR Felipe 4420 both of the 2010/11 management, in addition Rotaract Ipiranga also entrusted on the experience and support from partner RDR Fernando Manes 2009/10 management. The event was a success mainly because speakers managed to capture concentration from the guests who have attended the Coats Correntes Company. There were information, experience exchange and also a lot of essential questions. There were approximately 30 people involving speakers and spectators. Rotaract Ipiranga thanks the Coats Correntes Company by the opportunity to use its installations, to institution’s employees, those who were present, and also to fellows from Rotaract Aeroporto and Rotaract Forte Itaipu. According to president of the Rotaract Ipiranga William Silva dos Santos – management 2010/11 “ … the intention of this speech is to permit transparency of our projects to community and also to make obvious how the club is door open for new builders of the future … ”. Rotaract Ipiranga sends a sincere Rotaractor’s bear hug to all envolved in this event.